The Gulf Coast Community Foundation has been funding Venice Area Beautification Inc. for more than 15 years, and the organization just got a $100,000 grant to finish the third and final phase of the Venice Urban Forest, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports.
The nearly two-mile forest, which is located along an industrial corridor, is home to more than 90 species of birds.
The foundation's senior VP of community leadership says the forest "is an environmental safe haven for wildlife, clean water, and a place of natural respite for residents and visitors."
The final phase of the forest will see 400 slash pines, 200 red cedars, and 10 longleaf pines planted.
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The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.